Natural hair blogs, vlogs and chat forums have their peculiar acronyms/abbreviations and terminologies, the same way any field of study does. Most of us, in one time or the other misunderstood them. I could remember as a newbie, I mistook Jbco for jojoba oil. Only God knew where I kept the C in the Jbco, lol. So whether a newbie or a senior naturalista, a reminder can be helpful.
So, i made a compilation of acronyms/abbreviations and terminologies in alphabetical order. You can save it for reference purposes.
2a, 2b, 2c, 3a, 3b, 3c, 4a, 4b, 4c - hair curl types
3a - loose curls
3b - Tight curls
4a - loose kinks
4b - Tight kinks
ACG - Aloe Vera Gel
ACV - Apple Cider Vinegar
AD - Afro Detangler
APL - Armpit Length
ASL - Ammonium lauryl sulfate
AVJ - Aloe vera juice
BAA - Big Ass Afro
B.A.L.D. - Baldness After Lye Devastation
BB - Blended Beauty
BC - Big Chop
B.I.B.S. - Beware It Burns Scalp
BNC - Braid-n-Curl
BS - Bra Strap
CBC - Collar bone length
CGM - Curly girl method
CHS - Curly Hair Solutions
CJ - Curly junkie
CL - Chin length
CO - Coconut Oil
Co - Conditioner only
CON - Creme of nature
Cones - Silicones
CW - Co-wash
CWC - Conditioner wash conditioner
DC - Deep conditioning
DH - Darling Husband
DIY - Do it yourself
DT - Deep treatment
EL - Ear length
E.N.H.C. - Encourage Natural Hair Care
EO - Essential Oil
ETA - Edited to Add
EVCO - Extra virgin coconut oil
EVOO - Extra virgin olive oil
F - Fine texture
FSG - Flaxseed gel
FYI - For your information
F2F - face to face
HE - Herbal essences
HG - Holy grail
HH - Human hair
HHG - Happy hair growing
HHJ - Happy hair journey
HLH - Hip length hair
HO - Humble opinion
HOTD - Hair of the day
HTH - Hope that helps
IA - I agree
IIRC - If I recall correctly
IMO - In my opinion
ISO - In search of
ITA - I totally agree
IRL - In real life
JBCO - Jamaican black castor oil
JIC - Just in case
JK - Just kidding
KCCC - Kinky curly curly custard
KCKT - Kinky curly Knot today Leave-in
KISS - Keep it simple sister
LF - lace front weave
LOCC - Liberating ourselves from caustic chemicals.
LUSH - Loving unprocessed spectacular hair.
L4L - Longing 4 length
M - medium texture
MBL - Mid back length
M&H - Milk & Honey
M&S - moisture and seal
N.A.P.PS - National Association of Perm Protestors.
Nappyversary - Anniversary of natural hair
NG - New growth
NL - Neck length
N/M - Never mind
No poo - No shampoo
ORS - Organic Root Stimulator
PHHB - Panty hose headband
PJ - Product junkie
PM - Private message
Poo - Shampoo
Prepoo - Any hair treatment before shampoo
PS - Protective style
PVP - A polymer found in most gels
RS - Rod set, Roller set
SAA - Silky Amino acid
SAO - Sweet almond oil
SD - Search and destroy
SL - Shoulder length
Slip - Comb slide through hair
SLS - Sodium lauryl sulfate
S.O.S - Save Our Scalps
SSK - Single strands knots
TBL - Tail bone length
TIA - Thanks in advance
TL - Terminal length
TWA - Teeny weeny afro
TMW - Terressential mud wash
TNS - Twist and curl
TR - Thermal reconditioning
TTO - Tea trea oil
T.R.U.T.H. - Terminate Relaxing and Unleash your True Hair
WDT - Weekly deep treatment
WF - Whole foods
W&G - Wash and go
WIN - Wear it natural
WO - Water only
WSP - Water set pudding
YT - YouTube
Terminologies and their meaning
Baggy - A method of sealing in moisture in the hair by usding plastic caps or shower caps.
Braid out - A protective style that deals with braiding the hair a night before and take out the braids in the morning.
Breakage - Strands of hair that breaks midway or completely.
Carrier oil - base oil used to dilute essential oil.
Clarify - To remove buildup in hair using a clarifying product. Eg. Clarifying shampoo.
Clumping - Strands of hair adhering together to form bigger chunkier curls.
Cuticle - The thinnest outer layer protecting the inner cortex of a hair strand.
GHE- Greenhouse effect- A method of using the baggy method except with water and leave-in-conditioner, a plastic cap and two scarves, so that the body can generate heat to keep the hair moisturized.
Humectant - Attract and retain moisture from air.
Line of demarcation - Where the natural hair and relaxed hair meets as hair grows.
LOL/LCO - A simple hair regimen. A method of L - Leave-in-condition or water , O - Oils, C - Butter or creamy/lotion moisturizer to seal in moisture.
Moisturizer - Applying a moisture based product to hair without washing it out.
Pineapple - Gather hair on top of hair using a scrunch , that is to preserve curls to a 2nd day style.
Plop - A method of wrapping wet hair in T-shirt.
Shedding - Falling out of strands of hair with white bulbs on the root. On average, hair shreds 150 strands per day.
Scrunch - Gently squeezing/pushing hair from end to root.
Shrinkage - Shortening of hair length.
Texlaxed - Purposefully not allowing relaxer to completely straighten hair. Intentionally under processing hair.
If there are omissions and corrections, you can help out in the comment box below.
Thanks lovelies!
Read also
*The worries and fears of going on a natural hair journey
*Raw African Black Soap
*Make your own aloe vera gel/juice
Faux Locs - A Fab Protective Hair Style
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