Saturday, 13 August 2016

DIY skin care ingredients/recipes for a girl on budget.

Hope everyone is fine? I care to ask because you and I know that this present economy is not smiling. So babes are cutting their coat according to their material. Lols. Lets get to business.

It has not been easy to access my dreamed magnifique natural ingredients like the rose hip oil and co, around me here in Port harcourt unless I have to purchase and get them delivered to me from Lagos. And who is ready to pay for the extra charges? I am among the least. Smh!

For the meantime, I had to make the best use of what I can lay my hands on to keep up with my skin care routine. This recipes have been effective and economical.

Recipes on a budget.

Honey + Oatmeal + Lemon juice
This recipe is simply everything. The oatmeal ( I mean Quaker oats) acts as a mild exfoliate. The honey is an excellent moisturizer, soothing and healing. The lemon juice is antiseptic, clearing the pores and lightening dark spots. After scrubbing face for 5 minutes, I leave it on for about 30 minutes before washing off. This scrub leave my face soft, hydrated and clear of acne till the next 2-3 days. My girlfriend can always tell whenever I do a scrub the night before.

Honey + Oatmeal + water
Each time I run out of lemon juice, I find myself using this recipe, substituting the lemon juice with water. They say, ‘half a loaf is better than nothing'. Exfoliation is not an option. It is a must for good skin.

Honey + Lemon juice
For a quickie, I cut out a lemon. Place a few drops of honey on half and scrub face gently in circles. The pulp mildly sloughs off the dead skin cells, exposing fresher smooth skin.

Honey + Turmeric
This recipe is more of a mask recipe and less of a scrub. It nourishes and heals the skin, smoothens it to a glow and gives it that plump look.

These are tried and true DIY recipes for a girl with oily, sensitive, acne prone skin.

What are your tried and true recipes on budget?

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Tuesday, 9 August 2016

Cro-Havana twist from freedom hair collection - Product review.

This post has been on my desk for some weeks now. I have been procrastinating publishing it till now. 

This is a review on my first Havana twist crochet braids. I got many questions and compliments and even made new friends during its installation, so it is worth making a review on it. Though I could not get pictures of the process of install but I will show you similar pictures.

What I used
I used Cro-Havana twist from freedom hair collection, 3c 12 inches color 1. I must say, I like the beautiful attractive quality packaging. Each pack contains 8 pieces of 2-in-1 pretwisted hair. I used 6 packs and still felt it wasn't full enough.

Freedom hair collection does have other different crochet braid types in varied length and limited colors. You will see some of them displayed at the back of the packaging.

Below the back side of the packaging are pictures of crochet braid pattern and the process of installation.

Actually, I did not use the suggested crochet braid pattern. I got stylist close home to make mine like that in the picture below. Mine was 10 cornrows in all, 3 one each side and in the middle, 2 pairs meeting midway into one cornrow. Then I installed the crochet braids myself. It was so easy and quick. In 2 hours or less you are done.

The crochet braid is soft and feels real light on head and bouncy.
Its a preferable type for quick crochet braid install.
It is easy to wash hair underneath, so wash day is less dramatic.

The no-good thing about it is that, it frizzes and tangles easily, with hair sticking out easily from the hair body which my left eye will testify to.
It can get real rough in about 2 weeks when not handled with care. I have come across ladies that wore theirs for barely 2 weeks and it looked like they have had it on for months. So I challenged mine to 4 -6 weeks.
To prevent the early tangles and roughness, I do not hid the bed without wrapping the braids up in a satin scarf. To lengthen the life span, it is best to pack it up in a pineaple method, then wrap up in satin scarf.

Styling Options

The first few days of install, I was not just feeling the braids, so I had it most times in an uphair do styling with scarf covering the exposed back side. As the days run into weeks and with the compliments that came along, I got more comfortable and came to like it.

Is it reusable?
I doubt. Even with all the pampering I gave it, I got a bit disappointed when taking it down. At the time of uninstall, it looked like it will go in on a reinstall, but the tangles and frizzes dominating the cornrows area made the crochet braids removal process tricky and unsmooth. I had to cut out about 6 crochet braids with scissors close to the cornrows to save my natural hair from forcefully detaching from the root.

This the picture of what it looks like after taking it down. Does it look reusable?

 I give it a 7/10. Because I intend recycling it into a full hair wig, I would have rated it less.

Will I repurchase?
I don't think so but I might try other freedom hair crochet braids types.

It is the crochet braid revolution!!

I love to know your views on this Havana twist review in the comment box below.

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